Ryan Phelps- Director

Ryan Phelps- Director

Ryan Phelps Institute Scholarship

This award is a merit based scholarship which takes into account the recipients achievements during the course of the study year as well as their work ethic and commitment to artistic excellence.

2017/2018 Recipient- Laura D'Souza


Barry William Phelps Bursary

This bursary is presented in memory of my father who's commitment to my own development as both a pianist and a young man transformed my life and gave me opportunities which were not previously possible for me. It is my view that the opportunity to study music at a high level should be available for everyone regardless of financial circumstances. This Bursary is awarded to a student that has demonstrated financial need in conjunction with outstanding talent and work ethic. This student must show exceptional musical and artistic promise. The recipient of this award will receive the following.

-A high quality grand piano on loan to practice on

-Subsidized tuition based on financial need

-Support purchasing scores when needed

-Support for entry for fees for competition and travel study when needed

-Support for piano technician to maintain instrument when needed

-additional exposure to artistic community and concerts for artistic development

2017/2018 Recipient- Bethany Nickerson

2018/2019 Recipient- Bethany Nickerson